10th APRU Doctoral Students Conference
Promoting Originality and Diversity in Research
July 6th (Mon) - 10th (Fri), 2009.
Clock Tower, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan.
Kyoto University

 General Information
Announcement of Interactive Sessions

    The 10th APRU DSC will include "interactive sessions" (generally called poster sessions). For the interactive sessions, each participant will make a poster-style presentation on the same topic as their oral presentation in the paper (oral presentation) sessions. Participants are also encouraged to visit presentations given by the other participants.

    This style of session has several benefits for the presenters as well as the viewers. Participants will not be able to attend all the presentations in the paper sessions as they will be conducted in parallel. In addition, there is always the possibility that a presenter will not have enough time to exchange opinions with audience in the paper sessions due to time limitations. The interactive sessions are useful in the above situations as the viewers can freely visit presentations of interest to themselves and presenters will have enough time to discuss their presentation in-depth. We hope that the interactive sessions will enable you to discuss not only your own research but also the other participants' research more frankly and understand each other's opinions more deeply.

    The presenters for the interactive sessions will be selected from the presenters in the paper sessions. In other words, all of participants will present their own research in the paper sessions, and those who are interested will present the same research in the interactive sessions. If you wish to present your research in both the paper sessions and the interactive sessions, please check the applicable box on the abstract submission form. Note that the Kyoto University Organizing Committee reserves the right to assign participants to the interactive sessions based on their suitability. Notification of the presenters selected for the interactive session will be sent together with the notification of abstract acceptance.

    Please consider the following points when you make a poster:

  • The size of poster boards is 180cm (70 inches) long and 90cm (35 inches) wide.
  • Please print your poster content onto A0 paper. (Or please divide your poster content into several boxes and print them onto smaller sheets of paper.)
  • You can make your poster content with Microsoft PowerPoint, OpenOffice Impress, Adobe Illustrator, etc.
  • Please use large-size fonts which can be read from a distance, especially for your research title.

Examples of posters:

Available soon.