10th APRU Doctoral Students Conference
Promoting Originality and Diversity in Research
July 6th (Mon) - 10th (Fri), 2009.
Clock Tower, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan.
Kyoto University

 General Information

Q.  I would like to extend my stay at the same hotel because of my flight schedule. Do I have to arrange the reservation by myself?
A.  The online reservation site will be designed to enable the participants to extend their period of stay, although it will be at their own expense. The site will open when the notification of acceptance of abstracts has been sent out.
Q.  I submitted my abstract data through the registration system, but I didn't receive any emails for confirmation. What should I do?
A.  Contact apru-dsc@www.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp and follow the directions of the Organizing Committee.
Do not re-submit the same abstract data.
Q.  I can't submit my abstract data through the registration system. The system indicates some errors.
A.  Check the characters ['] and/or ["] within your abstract data, as they may not have been copied correctly. This is especially possible if you type your abstract using Microsoft Word and copy it onto the registration form. If you can't identify the cause of your problem, please contact apru-dsc@www.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp with your abstract data.
Q.  I would like to register two or more abstracts.
A.  Use the registration system and submit the data for each abstract separately. In this case, each sent user-ID corresponds to a single abstract data file. Therefore, it is important that you keep all user-IDs and passwords which are sent to you. Do not forget any user-ID or password.